I introduced you all to the Florida Starburst Pummelo last week. Most of you had no idea what it was! So, now my goal is to show you exactly why you need pummelos in your life. Did you miss my article about pummelos and when they are in season? You can catch it here.
To give you a quick recap though, pummelos are an amazing piece of citrus that is grown right here in the beautiful state of Florida. When you look at it, you may think of a grapefruit. But it’s bigger. Does it taste like a grapefruit? In my opinion, no, not really. I don’t like grapefruit. Wait, let me rephrase, I don’t like to eat grapefruit. I love the way grapefruit smells, it’s fresh, citrus and bright. But, to me, grapefruit is bitter, sour and just makes me pucker. But I love the Florida Starburst Pummelo. It still has the smell of a grapefruit that I love, but it’s sweeter and not as tart or bitter.

The guaranteed way to make sure you are grabbing a Florida Starburst Pummelo is to look for that sticker. It’s nice and big, so you can’t miss it. So, if you don’t see the sticker – keep looking. If you see something similar, and it doesn’t have the sticker, it’s likely it came from overseas…and it was on a boat for a L-O-N-G time before it made it to your hands. So, look for the sticker and support our farmers from right here in the USA.
Once you get your hands (yes, it may take 2 hands to hold a pummelo…they are big!) you may wonder what to do with it. I did! So, I decided I would share one incredibly amazing recipe for grilled pummelo, then I will give you some additional pummelo recipe inspiration.
10 Ways To Eat Pummelos
Citrus and greens are a beautiful pairing. Arugula, fresh avocado slices, toasted nuts, some goat cheese, and a few slices of pummelo and you got yourself one heck of a salad. Top with a simple homemade vinaigrette.
Infused Water
How many glasses of water are we supposed to drink a day? Like 8 or 10! So, if you get bored of plain ole’ water, infuse it with some pummelo and a few mint leaves. Hello No More Boring Water!
Blend pummelo, carrots, cucumbers, strawberries and some greek yogurt for a refreshingly deliciousness smoothie. Don’t let my suggestions limit you, get creative! Pummelo tastes great with berries, kiwi, mango and pineapple.

Now we’re talking. There are lots of grapefruit-based cocktails out there, so use pummelo instead and enjoy them even more! No bitter taste, just citrus-deliciousness. I would definitely try a pummelo margarita, martini, or paloma, and I love this Pink Diamond Martini featuring pummelo. Let me know which one you try first.
It’s not a secret that citrus makes for an incredible salsa. Use pummelo, tomatoes, jalapenos, onions, sweet peppers and some fresh cilantro for a salsa that is amazing on chips or on top of your favorite seafood or chicken dishes.
Are you a baker? I will admit, it’s not my strongest skill in the kitchen, but to use pummelo in your desserts – use it as you would any other fruit. Think cakes, tarts, cupcakes OH MY.
Pair with Seafood
Citrus and seafood make for a delicious pairing. So the next time you saute some shrimp or scallops, add some pummelo to the skillet. You won’t be disappointed.
Broil It
Cut your pummelo in half or in slices and sprinkle it with something sweet – think sugar, brown sugar, honey, cinnamon, vanilla extract, or even some Grand Marnier and broil em baby! It will only take a few minutes at most. Watch them close, you don’t want the smoke alarms going off.
With a Spoon
Ok, this may seem obvious, but you can simply cut your pummelo in half and eat in sections like a grapefruit.
Grill It

That’s what I am sharing with you all, my Grilled Pummelo recipe. It’s easy. It’s delicious. And I have already made it a couple times. Grilling fruit naturally brings out the sweetness, then adding in that touch of sweetness makes it even more…WOW!